Divine Teachrs — about Themselves


Princess of the Lake — Lucia

Above the beautiful lagoon, a lake situated next to the boundless expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, stands the Mahadouble of Princess of the Lake. That's how we affectionately referred to her for some time until she spoke her name — Lucia.

Sometimes, the lake and the ocean merge their waters when oceanic waves flow over a narrow sandy spit. The ocean is always filled with incredible power and beauty. Even on the physical level, the lake impresses with its tranquility and gentleness. In this beautiful lagoon, flamingos, herons, storks, cormorants, and many species of waders make their home. Along the shores, beautiful pines and flowers grow.

Above the vastness of the ocean and within its depths, the Divine Teacher Endless is always present. Above the lagoon, His spiritual Daughter and Disciple, Lucia.

They are bound by the profound Tenderness of kindred Souls, which unites Them and has continued for many millennia.

All Divine Souls in the Abode of the Creator are One! They are dissolved in the Unity of the Primordial. But those Divine Souls who were once connected by love, friendship, discipleship — they know how to preserve and demonstrate the nuances of this Enriching Love among Themselves! This is how all the Apostles — Disciples of Jesus Christ — manifest themselves, how disciples of Pythagoras manifest themselves, this is what Sufi Masters have shown us… They teach us to be united in a love that multiplies to become Divine Unity in the Primordial Consciousness.

Divine Lucia helps everyone, both beginners and those continuing their spiritual path. She radiates an incredibly refined and gentle Glow of Light-Fire, serving as an exemplar for attuning consciousness.

We asked her to share her story.

“Yes, I was the daughter of the Great Divine Curator of the Mediterranean region during the times of Atlantis — the Divine Endless. At that time, I did not attain divinity, merely due to the youth of my body and the need to gain extensive experience and soul maturity. The incarnation ended at the peak of development, and I did not age physically back then…

“Later, I was an Egyptian princess in a beautiful oasis. They worshipped the One God-Sun there. It was after then, at the end of that, not very long, incarnation, that I reached the capacity to merge into the Creator's Ocean.

“(Back then, our Katya was also incarnated. In that incarnation, her spiritual guide was Ptahhotep. Katya and I were acquainted, even through our bodies in the subsequent lives.)

“I was born two more times: on the territory of modern Italy during the decline of the Roman Empire, and in the same places at the beginning of the spread of Christianity. Initially, I lived in a male form, and later in a female form. By then, I already had disciples, though they were not numerous. Primarily, I taught then, how to assist incarnated individuals, not as a Messiah or a great spiritual leader-reformer, but through work with a select few disciples and through meditative work on subtle energy planes with those souls who perceived such guidance unconsciously, intuitively.

“This is quite a complex topic, which Elizabeth Haich elaborates on in her book ‘Initiation.’ There are spiritual processes created by both Embodied and Unembodied Divine Souls as Divine Projects of development and consciousness evolution. These ideas resonate with some incarnated souls who are already practically implementing them in their material world activities. This was the case with Adler on a grand scale. This is how I learned to work, developing the ideas of the One God-Sun, the Birth of Divine Light, and the concept of the sanctity of life in heartfelt, sacrificial Love.

“Having a physical body adds efficiency to this aspect of Divine Service in the evolution of consciousness throughout the universe.

“In my last earthly incarnation, I was known as Lucia…

“I have no direct connection to Saint Lucia of Syracuse or the revered Lucia in Sweden… But I have always supported and continue to support this Lila* of Divine of Light, awakening love in the hearts of very young souls. I nurture the desire to bring joy and do good even in ceremonies and celebrations dedicated to Saint Lucia.

“Divine Teachers almost always oversee those rituals and beliefs where love, joy, and tenderness are awakened in people's hearts!”

