We met the Master of the most beautiful places of power on the Atlantic Ocean shore last year. He called Himself — Endless.
He usually manifests Himself as the Oceanic Vastness with Gentle, Transparent, or more intense Radiance. He Himself is like the smooth, slow breath of the Ocean. Not the Atlantic Ocean, but the Ocean of the Primordial Divine Consciousness. He is a Part of this Ocean.
We asked: “Is this Your place of power?”
“Yes and no… Get used to My Endless Essence! I like being in this place. There are almost no forms here. Just the Ocean, sand, and sky…
“… I love the formless Boundlessness of the Depths. I am hardly bound by the form of the surface layer of the Ocean. I do not like to take on forms resembling human ones, even if they are made of Light and truly enormous. This is how I live! There are many names and forms, but behind them is the Infinite Unity! I invite all of you into Myself, into the Depths! And you don't need to wait for the moment when your bodies will once again find themselves on this beautiful shore.”
He shows how one can dive into Him like in the Divine Ocean, with the strokes of the hands of consciousness, the hands of the spiritual heart, expanding and dissolving with each stroke. Dive until the one who is diving and the One who immerses in Himself are becoming One Whole!
Huge ocean waves, rolling in time after time onto the sandy shore, help to feel how the Great Divine Ocean erases the sense of our separateness and draws everything deeper —into the Peace of His Being in incredible Depths.
A year later, Endless finally lifted a little of the veil over the story of His last incarnation. He briefly displayed His immense, transparent Face above the surface of the Divine Ocean. Layers of radiant Brahmatic Light above the Earth's surface seemed to flow like luminous clothes over His Hands, embracing the planet's surface. One of His Enormous Hands was somewhere beneath the center of the Atlantic Ocean, and the other beneath the entire Mediterranean Sea. His eyes gazed into those Depths where His Boundless Heart resided in the Abode of the Creator.
He shared very little about Himself:
“The last time I had a physical body was during the heyday of the Atlantean civilization. Back then, Atlantean settlements were spread across the entire planet, not just on the Atlantic continent. I supported spiritual development in the territories around the sea now known as the Mediterranean. The northern regions of modern-day Africa, the southern parts of Europe, and all of the islands in that region were within the sphere of My activity.
“My disciple and daughter, Lucia, the Princess of the Lake, as you call her, will tell you more about Me shortly. For now, I suggest that everyone immerse themselves in the silence of Divine Love and come to know Me!”