Divine Teachrs — about Themselves



Above the expanses of hills covered with coniferous forests and treeless spaces, there is a multi-kilometer working place of a Holy Spirit, Whom we had not met before.

“Please, tell us about Yourself!”

“My name is Emelyan. During the last incarnation, I was a bathhouse attendant and healer at a Russian public bathhouse. It was approximately in the center of the European part of Russia before the ‘baptism of Russia’. I had a non-incarnate Divine Teacher named Rasvel. The Divinity was reached by Me under His direction. I developed Myself through healing.”

… Emelyan shows His Hands, revealing a “hole” in multidimensionality over the body of the patient. He directs through them the streams of Divine Light-Fire.

And then, He strengthened in Divinity learning to be the Divine Light-Fire.

Emelyan tells how great a happiness it was for people to be in the atmosphere that reigned in the baths where He worked! It was one without separation by sex and age.

“There, the emotions of joy, tender care, and happiness — dominated in all! People in these baths got acquainted with the news, talked about many things, and treated each other and were treated. Each visit to the bath was perceived as a holiday!

“For children — thanks to this — the existence of sex differences became usual and familiar from a very early age and therefore did not cause either embarrassment or excessive curiosity or arousal.

“At the same time, all adults quite definitely knew that the sexual union of adult men with young girls is absolutely unacceptable: this is fraught with a rupture of the child’s genitalia!

“Sex with older men was allowed only after the girls reached full maturity. But we didn’t deprive them from our caresses!

“Any forms of sexual violence and coercion were also recognized as inadmissible. But there was practically no reason for such actions: sex was not considered a ‘sin’ and a shameful action, so, it was easy for everyone, who wanted it, to find partners for themselves.

“But at the same time, sex in front of other people was not recognized as a norm of behavior.

“Sexual relations had to be ethically pure, that is, devoid of coarseness, violence and egocentrism — but filled with tender care and affection.

“It was also considered correct that adult women, who desired it, should teach young men the art of giving sexual love.

“I note that sexuality was not at all implanted and was not seen as a duty. People were not constantly focused on it. We are talking only about the fact that almost every member of the community had the opportunity to participate in a sex life to the extent that he or she chose for himself or herself. In particular, everyone had every right to reject sexual offers.

“Families? Yes, of course, those, who wanted to live together permanently, created families, lived in separate houses and kept a common economy. These were the majority.

“Children? They all, regardless of whether they were born in a family or outside of a family, were honored as the Gifts of God, as happiness for parents and for the whole community. Everyone cared about their well-being.

“If, nevertheless, there were some disputes or misunderstandings between people — they were resolved by the councils of the elders and the Magi.

“Drunkenness then was not known. And, in particular, this contributed to the fact that crimes or even at least serious misconduct almost did not happen. If, nevertheless, someone committed a gross egocentric misconduct — such a person was expelled from the community and became a vagabond. This was the most severe punishment.

“The way of life in those regions at that time was guided by the Directives of God, which were transmitted to the people by the Magi — Who would wander or live a settled life among the congregations. The wise men taught the congregation the wisdom of spiritual perfecting: the development of everyone as a soul.

“For food, people cultivated cereals and vegetables, as well as wild herbs, mushrooms, berries, and the leaves of some woody plant species. A significant role in the diet was played by milk and its products.

“And that means — the community members bred cows. So then, where did the bulls go? Were they fattened and then killed for meat, as it is done now? No: they were castrated at a very early age, nurtured — and then with their help people plowed the fields and transported goods in carts or sleds.

“Animals — for the purpose of using their bodies for food — were not killed at all. In particular, the concept of ‘hunting’ did not exist. Blackcocks, for example, throughout the spring pleased people with their singing in the fields. The animals, which are now called wild, lived freely in the villages. Wolf cubs, for example, were caressed by all, children played with them. And, when these cubs were growing up, they perceived people as their older friends. Wolves in the villages served the same role as modern-day dogs do today, guarding people.

“When cows or other domestic animals died of their natural death or as a result of accidents, their bodies were butchered, and the meat and bones were given to wolves. Because of this, wolves served people even more devotedly. Wolves — by their biological nature, laid down by God, — are predators. Therefore, eating meat food to them, unlike people, does not harm them, in particular, aggravating their fates.

“We will see that most animals, unlike so many people, are so nice and kind! They want to be friends with people! But people — for the most part in the modern world — treat them basely…

“So those people cruelly harm themselves, bringing pain and other misfortunes to their destinies. After all, they cannot count on the favor of God! And they will have to learn in their own destinies what pain is, in order to learn not to cause it to others!

“In those communities, about which we are talking about in this story, diseases — neither infectious, nor oncological, nor related to metabolic disorders — happened. And people even disincarnated easily: they just fell asleep — and then they woke up without bodies.

“The dead, of course, were not mourned: there was a complete understanding that the people, who lived on the Earth righteously and now left the world of matter, continue to live in even better worlds.

“In the earthly life of the community members, there was much more joy, happiness, and less negative emotions — in comparison with the modern world. And the absence of sexual dominants, caused by sexual dissatisfaction, significantly favored successful spiritual work.

“In particular, the refined erotic component of esthetics gives — through emotional attunement — an important positive effect in the refinement of the consciousness of the audience and therefore brings them closer to the Perfection. I am talking here specifically about the bath day holidays. I will repeat that attunement with the subtle beauty of harmonious bodies and souls is an important aid on the spiritual Path!

“A rational attitude to sexual issues, in particular, prevented the development in people of such a bright egocentric vice as jealousy. In modern societies, consisting mainly of people of vice, jealousy is sometimes revered as a virtue: he or she is not jealous — it means, they do not love! But in societies, where people truly feel that they are disciples of God, this type of so-called ‘love’ is considered as merely a primitive form of lust.

“From the point of view of God, jealousy is a clear indication that this one has not yet begun to make efforts to suppress in oneself such primitive egocentrism, manifested in wanting only for oneself with the detriment to others and in appropriating to oneself the right to carry out violence (coercion) to other people. None of those, who have not eliminated this flaw in themselves, can count on God’s approval!

“By the way — I will say a few words about the attitude of people towards God. In totally false religious sects, false ‘shepherds’ form in their ‘flock’ an attitude to Him as a formidable Monster… While the Truth is that God is the Unity of All Who have developed Themselves as Wise Love. And it is necessary to strive toward Him, developing this quality in oneself.

“Let us draw the appropriate conclusions for ourselves!

“… In those communities, the law of life was love-giving. Each person wanted and was obliged to give his or her knowledge and skills to others. Thanks to this, people appreciated the best in others and developed the best in themselves.

“But now… it’s hard to find on the Earth any meaningful (by the number of members) groups of the same people! Therefore, I warn you about the undesirability of the complete copying of the characteristics of life in those ancient communities of God — on the basis of the modern situation in Russia and in other countries.

“The fact is that the incarnation of souls with different (both positive and negative) qualities does not occur randomly. But it is God Who directs each soul to incarnate in certain social conditions, trying to help each of them in its development.

“There, where high rectitude has become a strong tradition in society, God embodies the corresponding highly developed souls who have already comprehended and strengthened their ethical purity in past incarnations. Such souls receive in the new bodies the optimal opportunity for further rapid spiritual growth: gaining the status of the Holy Spirits and the knowledge of other states and Manifestations of the Divine Consciousness.

“But in those conditions where cruel human egocentrism is imposed and dominates, where the brightest flaws are glorified as virtues, where, in particular, lies, theft, violence, and other manifestations of aggressive primitivism have become the usual ‘norm of behavior’ — there the attempts to locally establish a mass spiritual harmony are doomed to failure. In particular, sexual openness in such conditions will lead to a rapid spiritual degradation of the most promising souls, to the spread of venereal diseases and other problems.

“‘Mixing gunas’ in spiritual work is unacceptable!

“Therefore, I advise everyone in the current conditions to focus in their development on, above all, individual spiritual work, relying on the Knowledge that is set forth in books received by incarnate people from God, and also — later, as they develop, — on concrete help from the Holy Spirits.”

* * *

“Tell us, Emelyan: later — were You embodied? Is Your name from the next incarnation?”

“Does it matter?

“The most valuable thing, which I want to tell people through you, is the knowledge that has been preserved for centuries from ancient times in some communities in the territories now called Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

“The way of life was very simple. There were no empty quarrels and strife. There was not too much that burdens a person with unnecessary worries. There was prosperity, but there was no excess and luxury. There was no fuss or concern. And idleness — was not there either. There were no people who would have three or four houses and servants to take care of this property. Such excessive wealth was unnecessary and would cause bewilderment. Poverty was not there either. Material needs were simple and modest, so their satisfaction was harmonious. And there was always time for people for the main thing — for the spiritual growth!

“The latter was, inter alia, woven into everyday life. Only training at the higher levels from the Magi or non-incarnate Divine Teachers — was not public. Yet the initial steps in teaching the life by the soul, transformed into a loving spiritual heart, were connected with ordinary daily life.

“Magi taught children and adults, by, among other things, telling epics and tales. They told that the attunement of listeners with the heroes of the stories gave lessons in meditations on opening and expanding the spiritual hearts, according to the perception of the subtlest Living Divine Light.

“A lot of useful information for life and spiritual growth was included in these stories! Through such lessons — the souls developed the ability to perceive and act in the subtle and subtlest non-material worlds, to think creatively, to feel bright emotional joy, and to learn love-giving!

“It seemed to us at that time that it would always be like this…”

“Were there books?”

“Writing was well developed, but it served more for external communication between communities or for household records.”

* * *

“The daily life of people in those days consisted of the balance between work and leisure. It taught the merging of consciousnesses — in the initial stages of growth — in the most natural way.

“Fields with crops were communal. They were cultivated and then harvested — together.

“Houses for new families were also built by the whole community.

“If one of the community members needed something, people did not leave him or her without help.

“In the settlements, there were usually gardens and orchards around the houses where everyone could grow what they wanted — in addition to the fruits of the community economy. And of course, everyone was happy to share their own harvest — with others!

“The state of mutual assistance between people in the community was the same as it is in a large amicable family, although the community did not consist of relatives at all.

“The presence of God was a natural part of the worldview of these people — both at work and at rest. This was one of the main points of training, conducted by the Magi.

“Both young and more mature souls developed in such conditions very harmoniously! Happiness in life was the dominant state!

“I was a bath attendant! And I was happy too! (He laughs).

“I was also a healer. But there were almost no diseases! Therefore, the task of the healer consisted primarily in the prevention of any ailments. In particular, the energy of the bodies was maintained in such a pure and harmonious state that there was no place in bodies for diseases. If there were still injuries or some ailments, then there were very effective ways of full rehabilitation. The methods of activating the internal reserves of organisms for the regeneration of damaged tissues were used.

“Why do I talk about it in such detail? Probably, in order to emphasize that the ideals of life, to which most modern people strive for, are very far from genuine happiness and harmony.

“And in order to change something, the aspirations of people must be changed.

“I do not propose to everyone to return to the life of subsistence farming in forest communities. I understand perfectly well that this — on a large-scale — is impossible.

“But understand that haste, vanity, and many other desires and problems are generated by the dominance of the head chakras with an undeveloped heart center. The life of a soul with a developed spiritual heart among similar souls — in kindness and harmony — this is what I now strive to preach!

“Such a life brings happiness — from the gift of love!

“After all, only in the spiritual heart is the birth of this state possible!

“This line of development must be implemented wherever possible!

“And only through the development of the spiritual heart do we cognize God!”

