Divine Teachrs — about Themselves



A broad smile, strong gentle Arms of the Consciousness embracing us, Divine Tenderness… It is our Friend — Kim!

“May I tell you My story?”

“Yes, Kim, of course!”

… Korea… Kim shows a Buddhist monastery in the mountains. Neatly paved trails, planted trees, bushes. A mountain brook flows through the monastery territory and beautifies its every corner. It fills lakes, rolls over stone steps, and makes small babbling waterfalls…

Transparent waters run over stones… A high and pure sound of bells floats around: the wind touches them gently — and clear sound fills the transparent air…

Kim continues:

Buddhism in its original purity is, first and foremost, ethics. It also implies perceiving the world in harmony. It is also calm.

“Have you ever thought about the meaning of the word Boddhisattva? Boddhi or buddhi means ‘developed (individual) consciousness’; sattva means ‘harmony’, ‘purity’… Everyone has to strive for achieving the state of Boddhisattva — in order to dedicate the life to saving all souls from the abyss of suffering.

“And everyone can eventually become a Buddha — a Completely Liberated One.

“The main principle of Buddhism — ahimsa — implies non-causing harm, as possible, to other creatures. It is the foundation of love-compassion. Everyone who observes this rule in their life is on the Path to Light

“… Even when I was a small boy, I liked to be a defender. I liked to protect the lives of bugs, birds, plants. My grandfather explained to Me why man cannot use bodies of animals for food, why we have to strive to avoid causing pain to other living beings… I gladly considered Myself a defender and a savior of bugs and rabbits, butterflies and baby birds — of all creatures! I was only five years old when I took on Myself the ‘mission’ of defending all the living.

“But one day… My brothers and I played with a nestling, which fell out of its nest. Accidentally I broke its leg. I almost wept. My grandfather looked at Me with contempt. He told the older children how to treat the nestling. Then the grandfather told Me that My amusement became a pain for this small bird…

“Since that moment I understood fully the holy principle of not causing evil, not causing pain, not doing violence to living creatures… Since that moment I have never violated it.

“… When I grew up, I fell in love with a beautiful girl. She became My wife and the mother of our three sons.

“… Once an awful epidemic happened and took away many lives. My wife and children died too… I… could not protect from the disease and death those whom I loved…

“Then I made the decision to become the one who possesses the Higher Knowledge about how to save and protect…

“… Monasteries in Korea at that time were centers where people studied reading and writing, medicine, and cognition of the Primordial Consciousness. Normally, only children from noble families were sent to monasteries for receiving education.

“And I was almost 40 years old… I walked from one monastery to another, but no one agreed to accept Me as a student. They offered Me shelter and simple work, but when I asked for more — they only laughed at Me…

“… Once when I received another refusal from a haughty monk, I went towards the gate… Suddenly… I saw a Great Sage walking slowly out of the temple… Our eyes met. He made a slight gesture with His hand and that monk, prostrating himself before Him, jumped and rushed to call Me back…

“… From that moment, I was as if in a dream, though I remember all the slightest details.

“He was a Great Teacher! Love and Wisdom shone from His eyes.

“He beckoned Me to come close. I went to Him as if through a volume of water, forgetting about everything around!… I forgot even to kneel before Him… He smiled and touched My head with His hand… Only then I recollected Myself and prostrated at His feet…

“He said quietly:

‘I will teach you…’

“These words touched Me very deeply… The sleep of the soul ended! Its awakening began!

“He commanded that I was to be given a possibility to wash Myself, to be fed and brought to a cell in the monastery… He said also that He would wait for Me the next day before dawn.

“The next morning before dawn, I was brought to Him. He made a gesture with His hand and the monks left us alone.

‘What do you want?’ He asked.

“I began telling My story… He interrupted Me in the middle:

‘I know everything about you I need to know. Tell Me another thing: are you ready to serve the Great Cause from now on up to the moment when all souls on the Earth receive Liberation?’

‘Yes!…’ I whispered.

‘Then you have to make up for the forty years of your life… Are you ready to work so that every day brings fruits of forty days? You have to make up for lost time and to never be satisfied with the achieved results. I will help you. But in the beginning other monks will teach you. I will call you later… And now… follow Me.’

“We walked to a terrace of the temple…

“… The sun was rising over the mountains. The blue haze of mist over a dale turned into a sea of living shining light. In silence, in quietness of the great mystery of Light and Life — the sun was rising over the horizon. We stood together: a Great Teacher and a forty-years-old man, who just began cognition of the soul’s path towards the Light so that later to guide other people on it…

“Then everything went as it should. I learned sciences and meditation keeping in mind that ever day I had to accomplish as much as others accomplish in one month…

“… One day, in the evening after hard work, I began to meditate in My cell. Suddenly, the Teacher appeared before Me. I prostrated Myself before Him and wanted to touch His feet…, but My hands moved through His legs: He came to Me in a non-material body!… He laughed with His shining Body of Consciousness while I, astonished, sat on the floor…

“He said without moving the lips:

‘Well done! You see Me and understand Me well. Now — go to bed. You need to have a good rest. Starting from this moment, I Myself will teach you. Every morning you have to enter meditation — and wait for Me. I will come as I did today…’

“Thus the stage of My initiation into Buddhi Yoga began.

“Only occasionally My Teacher called Me to Him to give additional explanations through His material body. I learned to feel His presence not only during morning meditations: now in every difficult situation I could ask Him — and receive His answer in words or as an understanding. When I relied too much on His support, He did not answer: He came, but I felt only His disapproving silence. In such cases I understood that I had to seek the solution Myself.

“… Once He came and told Me that He was abandoning the earthly body…

“… The Great One left… The monastery was in mourning…

“… I was overwhelmed with grief… The next morning it took Me much effort to enter meditation… I ascended to a platform where one could watch the sunrise… I tried to expand with the consciousness over the expanse, but tears streamed from My eyes…

“… Someone touched My shoulder… I raised My eyes and… saw the Teacher…

‘I told you so many times that there is no death!’ He said smiling.

“I prostrated Myself before Him and, to My astonishment,… touched His feet. His body was real, material! I could touch Him!

“He said:

‘Some time ago you promised not to miss a single day in your work and to dedicate your entire life to cognition of the Path and helping others in their search for the Light. Do you remember?

‘I will come in a body the next time to congratulate you when you receive supervision over the monastery. And now — you do not need My body for learning further from Me… I will continue teaching you without it…’

“… The Teacher kept His promise.

“Yet, this happened in My next incarnation…

“That time I had the name Kim. In meditations I constantly saw Him — My Teacher.

“My path to Mergence with the Primordial Consciousness was easy and straight. I cognized Nirvana in Mergence with Him and then accepted supervision of the monastery. That day the predicted miracle happened: My Divine Teacher came in a materialized body and blessed a new stage of My path — the stage of Great Service.”

“Kim, could You tell us in more detail — what methods were used in that monastery for achievement of Nirvana?”

“The methods of Buddhi Yoga are almost the same everywhere.* Only nuances are different. All of you studied them in your School and have good understanding of this.

“Now I want to put the emphasis on the following. For achievement of success, it is very important (otherwise it is simply impossible!) to stay always in a calm and joyful positive emotional state.

“One must not live without positive emotions, without enjoying — and dissolving oneself in the enjoyment! An example familiar to you is dissolution in the sattva of your beloved nature, which is very dear to Every One of Us, too! Nirvana can be easily achieved after mastering deep sattva — the state of joyful calm, blissful inner quietness!

“To achieve this purpose, one needs satisfaction! Dissatisfaction with something, which becomes dominant, represents a significant obstacle on the Path.

“There must be only one dissatisfaction — dissatisfaction with one’s own spiritual advancement because of unachieved full cognition of the Primordial Consciousness and Mergence with the Higher Self! This dissatisfaction has to remain and… impel one forward!

“All other needs of the sattvic soul have to be satisfied! The food has to be sattvic and tasty; yet one must not eat too little or too much! The body has to be washed daily, so that it and the soul do not suffer from dirt! One has to be able to commune with living nature and enjoy this! One has to have meetings with beloved people! Satsanga is a society, a community of spiritual friends who love each other, who ‘travel in one boat’ from the bank of sansara to the place where there is only Nirvana!

“It is also very important, though not everyone understands this, that the sexuality peculiar to all young and healthy individuals be given an opportunity to manifest itself and to contribute to the spiritual development of the partners! Monasteries are places where spiritual warriors, who aspire to cognition of the Primordial Consciousness, come together and work hard! Monasteries are not for those who torture themselves, wait for death, and are afraid of speaking about sexuality… It is tamas!…

“Healthy, sattvic sexuality allows one to learn to take care of others, fills one with tenderness, refines one’s emotions, and removes the unwanted sexual dominant, which hinders one’s search for the Creator! Of course, the ethical component in sexual relationships has to be observed always.*

“If everything is done correctly as it has to be, then the purity and freshness of the emotions of the erotic field — tenderness, caress, admiring the beauty — overfill one and give subtle energy, which is needed for the proper growth of the consciousness.

“God always blesses such sexuality; He does not bless the sexuality of the tamas guna. You can ask anyone about this, ask Jesus Christ, for example.”


“Yes, this is My opinion as well. Every One of Us, representing the Father, can tell you the same. The Path to Me, to the Heavenly Father goes through sattva, not through tamas.

“Let Me also stress the importance of inner quietness… It can be achieved only if, among other things, there is a harmonious satisfaction of one’s sexuality. Or when one’s sexuality is left in the past*…, but the soul’s tenderness remains!”


“I acquainted you with Tchao Li. How did you like Her?”

“She is a most subtle and tender Divine Being!”

“She is My second wife! She, too, cognized all this. She supported Me then. And I brought Her together with Me into the Abode of the Creator!”

“Kim, what was the name of Your Teacher?”


