Divine Teachrs — about Themselves



“There was a tradition in Russia of raising both children and adults — with the help of tales and epics. Musicians-narrators walked along the villages, plunking the strings of a gusli*. Both happy and sad stories were told by them. And fairy tales were told, and songs were sung at feasts and weddings…

“Thus I walked around the Earth: I sang songs about the Great Light, about the One God, and about the Love of God. And I also talked about human love and about true kindness.

“… But the time came when people no longer welcomed me with kindness as often. Dark and difficult times had come to Russia. Places that had recently been inhabited by Slavic tribes, which did not quarrel with each other and did not divide the land, — now were flooded with rivers of blood from internecine battles…

“Now the princes of each unit ruled the earth, which had been torn to pieces… Orthodox monasteries not only did not reduce these strife, but also fought for the possession of land and people, and struggled for power and earthly wealth…

“People no longer knew about the Teachings of the Messengers of God sent to them from century to century, and they lived in spiritual darkness. They rushed about in fear between the worship of the ‘Gods of the ancestors’ — and the ‘terrible punishment of God’ from ‘the New God’…

“And God looked upon the tears of His children with sadness…

“The people who live on earth and grow bread, have lost the joy of life which comes by living in accordance with God’s Law… Earth was washed by tears! There was less and less room for joy, for love, and for the feeling of freedom of the flight of the soul in the Divine Light and into the wide-open Embrace of God!

“Blood was flowing, people got used to cruelty and murder, violence and ruin…

“Prayers and sacrifices, which were perpetrated in fear or anger, did not save them…

“For God has laid out other paths to salvation for the people!

“… I’ve been thinking a lot about how to light up the Love and Light in souls, how to revive for human souls the Knowledge of the Path to the Creator…

“Not many people, who heard My songs and tales, followed the wisdom sounding in words… But, nevertheless, there remained in the depths of the souls the knowledge that Goodness, Love, and Wisdom are the Laws of God for people!

* * *

“Why do many people since then still not want to change their habit of suffering and longing — to the life in deserved bliss?

“Why do they cling to their bad habits and lifestyle, depressing the souls?

“Through a life in suffering and sorrow, sadness and offense — the souls as if shrink and shrivel!

“But the soul can become spacious and let in joy, love, bliss, and swing open towards life in the Light!

“Bliss is received from God by the one who is giving it to others!

“And God also helps everyone who rushes towards Him with love!

“Then the Radiance of mutual Love is born between man and God!

“This creates the great Happiness!

“This is the beginning of the magical transformation of the soul!

“Through this — the souls, even while having material bodies, enter the Divine world, where they can continue to grow and develop!”

