Divine Teachrs — about Themselves


Tchao Li

She came when we were having a rest near a fire after intensive meditative work. Consisting of Light-Tenderness, She bathed us in Her soft, dissolving Love…

“What is Your name?”

“Tchao Li.”

“Could You tell us please about Yourself? We see that You attained Divinity…”


“I came to My last incarnation in Korea as a mature soul with a rich experience of subtle states of the consciousness from the past lives. I could stay in soft calm, was capable of thinking creatively, learned to live for others and sacrifice Myself for other’s sake. I could see and appreciate the beauty, merge with the harmony of nature and dissolve with the consciousness in its purity. I missed only the knowledge about God: about His Beingness. I missed also the methods of development of oneself as a consciousness, which allow one to achieve the complete Self-Realization and then to help other people more efficiently.

“And God took care of Me: I met My future husband and spiritual instructor Kim.

“This meeting happened later in My life, while in the beginning…

“… I began to dance since early childhood, after I had barely learned to walk. Our family had a small garden. Quietness and communion with birds, flowers, and trees attracted Me much more than contacts with other children. For hours I could look and listen to what flowers or birds say, watch fish swimming in the transparent water of our small pond. I understood and loved them, and tried to talk to them without words, expressing My love for them with the help of gestures and other movements. And every time a new dance was born…

“For example, I felt Myself as a flower: My trunk was a lithe stem, My arms were leaves, and the corolla of the flower was always inside My chest. I began to move the trunk-stem, to caress with arms-leaves the sun, the sky, the space around Me… Bliss flowed through My body. I forgot about everything and danced, radiating love to all My friends!

“When I grew a little older, My parents sent Me to a school in a Buddhist monastery where I learned the art of dance.

“Studying was easy and joyful for Me: dance had become My life already. I just polished My skills, bringing every movement, every gesture to perfection.

“We were taught that the most important thing is to convey the emotional state, this constitutes the essence of dance. My improvisations from childhood were very useful for this purpose.

“The dance of oriole, the dance of crane, the dance of nightingale singing in spring… — I danced and forgot about all the rest: there were only the oriole, only the crane, only the nightingale — and there was My love, which I gave through the dance… When dancing, I as if sang soundlessly with the soul — My heart sounded with different shades of love!

“… From outside it looked very nice: people enjoyed and admired Me dancing…

“Yet, I had a strange feeling of inner dissatisfaction…

“Later I understood that in this age I could not convey to the spectators the entirety of love: I missed the shades of that tenderness which is known only to people who are in love with each other… My love was not mature then…

“… In that school we received an all-round education; we studied philosophy, religion, history, and other subjects. Let Me stress that this is extremely important!

“But the main thing to Me was an acquaintance with the Teachings of Buddha. Consciously I discovered for Myself a new Divine world. It was the world of Light and Love! I learned the laws that Buddha followed in His life and commanded us to follow, the laws of purity of life: compassion, benevolence, truthfulness, kindness, love. I followed these laws in everything I did.

“Then I came to know the love of a man — with Him Who, too, could give Himself.

“Kim became My husband and My spiritual guide into the Abode of the Primordial Consciousness. He helped Me to master meditative methods, gave Me His power and love. And I gave Him tenderness, embraced Him with calm and caress. Full harmony of Our relationships helped Us both in advancement on the spiritual Path. The ecstasy of mergence of souls, the bliss of giving tenderness to each other, the joy of giving oneself — without such valuable experience, love cannot gain all its power and fullness!

“And My dance became now a means of expressing My love for the Primordial One!

“… Today I help to restore the ancient art of dance in Korea. I help those who want to give themselves, to give their love to others. Only such an aspiration can bring man to Perfection, to Mergence in Love with the Divine Beloved!

“… In any country one can create schools for teaching this art to children and to adults! Today Europeans, especially the youth, have a high interest in oriental dances!

“This teaching can be arranged in a way that brings the philosophy of God to people — with the help of dance.

“I will help one in this task: I will give the necessary states, will show the necessary movements of the body.

“Do you remember? — the dance of oriole, the dance of crane… In this way — through dance — one can imitate any sattvic bird!

“First, one needs to learn the habits of these birds, to watch their life, to learn to love them — and then to express this love through dance.

“One can express in dances not only the life of birds but also the rising of the sun, morning mist over a lake, spring… The most important thing here is to supplement the movements of the body with proper emotional states!

“The music used for such a dance can be very simple (for example, sounds of different bells).

“In addition, in such classes one can explain to the participants the meaning of life…”

