Divine Teachrs — about Themselves



Sulia is a Sufi woman. Men’s qualities of character — energy, leadership, fieriness! — in a strong female body.

She looked so in Her last incarnation. And now She appears before us as a most tender Divine Fire, arising from the Universal Depths. She embraces us with Her Love and dissolves us in Herself.

“Tell us please about Yourself.”

“Everything is Allah! And there are no other Gods besides Him! One day, the Light of Allah came to My heart — and never left it. I was a Conveyor of Allah’s Will: He spoke and acted through My body in My last incarnation.”

“Where had You been embodied before?”

“It doesn’t matter! A Sufi, if he or she is worthy, is born a second time* in the Abode of the Beloved — and completes the Path in its Depths! Therefore, the homeland and the final asylum of such a Sufi is Allah’s Abode!

“… I was one of Grand Master’s disciples. Allah gave Me a male body in that incarnation, and I devoted Myself completely to the apprenticeship: to cognition of Beloved Allah!

“Grand Master is a true Master! Learning from Him was the greatest happiness!

“… At the age of 23, Allah called Me into Him — and the ‘vacation time’ came: the time of rest from earthly life.

“During the ‘vacation’, I was writing works on the fundamentals of Islam through several embodied disciples. These works exist to the present day in the libraries of Kazakhstan.

“My next incarnation, the last one, was in the eighteenth century in Kazakhstan. I was guided again by My Grand Master: He conveyed the Will of Allah through My body…

“… And now, after returning finally to the Abode of the Beloved, I continue working in Kazakhstan — in that part of it where there are museums, archives, and scientists who study Islam.

“It was Me Who suggested to you the e-mail sending to Kazakhstan’s people with the purpose of informing them about our knowledge.”

“Is there any result of that sending?”

“There is no quick result. The youth got interested, but scientists did not. They did not treat this knowledge as true Islam. I will continue introducing our knowledge among young people. As for adults… they proved unpromising.

“Meat-based nutrition results in the dullness and inertia of minds! The consciousness loses its agility. Meat eating is an affliction of the contemporary Islam!

“It is extremely important to spread our knowledge among the youth! As the youth grow, one may try to clean up in these people the Eye of Allah! One has to connect a human soul with Allah, and this makes an Eye of Allah! Then Allah manifests Himself through such a soul — and a spiritual oasis forms around it.

“Love, kindled in hearts, has to direct minds to searching for the Creator!”

“Sulia, will You please tell us how do You experience Yourself?”

“Who am I, Sulia?…

“I experience only the Greatness of Allah, His Infinite Transparent Calm!

“And when He looks at the Creation — Divine Goldish Streams run from the Depths, Streams of various hues and soundings. One of them sounds with the name Sulia.

“Learn to experience yourselves thus in Mahadoubles. Learn to be blissful!

“I feel unceasing Bliss: Allah is inside Me and around Me… At any moment, I can make a step backward and dissolve in the Primordial Calm… Or to make a step forward — and again Sulia as a Goldish Wave brings the Love and Will of Allah to the Creation!

“… In order to attain this, one has to leave the ‘islet’ of the body and move to the Ocean of Allah to live there! When the body does not carry the burden of the ‘I’, Allah can live in it.

“One has to impregnate the body with the Bliss of the Creator’s Abode and then — to dissolve, to disappear! Allah enters from within — and one dissolves in Him…

“To accomplish this, one has to rid the consciousness of everything that is not love: only love is capable of dissolution!…

“… But… many night moths fly to the flame of a candle. Yet, one should not allow them to come too close: the fire can burn them!

“It is the same with the Fire of Allah! It is not for little souls! Only they can approach this Fire who already have this Fire burning in them!

“… Listen! I will whisper to you flaming words… And you, listening to Me, attune yourself to the rhythm of the Great Whole, to the Breathing of His Beingness… — so that the nectar of the Divine Love not be spilled and the phrases do not break up into separate words and momentary thoughts, so that the soul may become filled with sounding and meaning of the Truth, and your heart may unite with the Life of the Primordial, Whose name is Allah!

“The fire of passion cannot burn the soul kindled with love for Allah!

“The whirlpools of life cannot seize the soul moving to the Primordial Ocean!

“In the desert, the source of life will create an oasis which will emanate fragrance, will send forth life-giving currents of love, will bloom and give fruits!

“In the fire of the spiritual heart — a human soul becomes naked!

“In the purity of love — it appears before its Beloved!

“And for it there is nothing but the Beloved!

“It is always before Him!

“Its hands caress Him,

“And it does not take its eyes off Him.

“The only light for it is the Light of His Love!

“His Light makes the eyes of the soul shine!

“His words of Love flow through its mouth!

“The hearts unite — and there remains nothing but Him!

“He fills with unspeakable bliss those who have become One in Him!

“… The life of every one of you has to be full of Me!

“You have to fill your lives with Me — more and more fully!

“Where I appear — grief and destruction go away!

“As I am gradually superseding all remnants of everything worldly and perishable in your lives, they will be becoming one whole with My Life.


“O Great, O Eternal, O Infinite One! The waves of Your Love are so soft and tender!… Everything is permeated with Your Primordial Purity!

“There is no place where You are not! The Waves of Your Love are everywhere. They carry this world manifested by You as on the fingertips of Your countless Hands!

“I merge with You! Now, My Beloved, there is nothing but You!

“Feel yourselves not bodies but Love which flows and expands around! Give to everyone the Light of Allah!

“Rejoice at My Love! Conversing with Us constantly, become like Us — ethically pure and wise! Do not react to the disturbing factors of the surroundings!

“… I can suggest to you the following meditation:

I Am in Love with You!

My only One! I am in love with You!

I am in love with blossoming fields,

I am in love with shining of the sun,

I am in love with spring gardens!

My Beloved! Your cover is so beautiful!

Tender murmur of brooks!

Gentle calm of the forest!

Infinite sky above!

I am in love with You! You are everywhere!

I am in love with fragrant flowers,

With sunrise over glassy waters,

With translucent rivers and lakes!

O my Beloved! I see only You

In the smile of morning and in the languor of day,

In the coolness of evening and in the quietness of night —

I see only You, my Beloved!

Let me in and dissolve me!

Allow me to become a part of Your Love!

Allow me to know Your blissful Calm!

Allow me to become One with You forever!

