Divine Teachrs — about Themselves


Atlantean Arr

The Atlantic Ocean. A vast and beautiful expanse of coastline unraveling before us; the power of waves rolling onto sandy beaches, the blue of the sky, the radiance of the sun… These breathtaking views stretching kilometers are visible to the naked eye. But to the gaze of the soul the incredible Radiant Immensity of our newly found Divine Friend, in His place of power, is revealed.

His name — Aaarrrrrrrrrrrr” — He first pronounced it in the non-material space —like the chanting of the mantra AUM, like the long sound of waves rolling onto the shore, like the long vibrating Sound and Light in space. It was very unusual.

We asked Him to tell us about Himself.

“I was incarnated in Atlantis during the peak of that civilization, which had reached remarkably advanced heights in those times. However, since that time I haven’t taken birth in a human body on Earth.

“The lifespan of the Atlanteans was longer than that of people of today. One could achieve remarkable spiritual development in one lifetime. Unfortunately, not everyone strived for this. The general well-being and the harmony of life made such aspirations of souls easily achievable but then not so vital as during difficult transitional times…

“I was born into a harmonious family and was the only child. We had schools that all children attended after their initial homeschooling. During the first stage of education, we were provided with general life-relevant knowledge of physical, philosophical, and energetic aspects of life. This included concepts about the organization of the world, the structure of the human body, the development of biological species, and so on. The initial meditations were also a natural part of life for all Atlanteans. This was taught from childhood. Many children were born with the ability to perceive non-material space. This development, of course, varied depending on the age of the soul. The knowledge of the energetical multidimensional structure of the human organism was also common knowledge. The ability to perceive other people, to manage one's emotions, to live in joy and peace —this was precisely the natural way of life. Unfortunately, at times was disrupted by some.

“Then there was an opportunity for further education within the Atlantean educational system. Students at that time had an opportunity to specialize in different areas, such as spiritual and educational disciplines, history, art, physics, social activities, and practical applied knowledge related to the plant and animal worlds.

“During these times people also had access to substantial information on material, subtle-material, and spiritual planes.

“The most interesting area of study for Myself was in Physics of fields and energies in both the material and non-material spaces.

“I received additional education within this field and then worked with the transformation and transmutation of various natural energies including solar, wind, water current, waves, gravitational, fire, the subtle energies in the structure of the planet, as well as the enormous energetic potential of the multidimensional human organism….

“These were not just the deep meditations of transforming one energy into another by Self-consciousness… this was my profession. It was a job as a physicist-engineer, specializing in creating devices for sustainable energy transformation. I was one of many research scientists in the field of energy knowledge.

“At the beginning of each major stage of work, we studied the possibilities of such energy transformations and their further conversions which are entirely possible for highly developed human consciousness without any technical devices. Thereafter we created and tested physical devices that could be used by all Atlanteans. These devices of various levels of advancement and complexity were utilized by both specialists in various fields of knowledge and the residents of Atlantis, to use in their daily lives.

“For instance, they were used in medicine to recover from bodily injuries. Diseases, as we know them today, were very rare during that time. But if someone experienced a physical injury, there were substantial resources available for their recovery on both physical and energetic levels.

“Other devices created using these technologies were often used for long-distance communication, moving physical bodies and objects, influencing weather conditions, gravity, and so on.

“I don’t want to focus on such technologies right now, which might seem like science fiction to some readers and, to others, merely serve as a theoretical confirmation of the construction of unique pyramids by the Atlanteans or the existence of other artifacts from ancient civilizations.

“Rather, I would like to share with you very interesting opportunities for energy transformations in your meditative work. I hope I can reveal this knowledge to you as needed and when you are ready to perceive it.

“… But there is something I can share with anyone reading these lines right now.

“This is My gift, the Living Energy of My Love, which always flows and can be easily transmitted. It can transform bodies and souls if one accepts this Love and responds to It with reciprocity.

“This is the short meditation on the love between God and a soul.

“This meditation can help to remove isolation, separability from the One, the All-Creating, the Divine Consciousness. This meditation can help to dissolve oneself in the Divine Ocean of Love:

“May I take your body and fill it up with My Love?

“May I take your body and fill it up with My Power?

“May I take you as a soul dissolving you within Myself, without a trace?

“Who are you? Where are you?

“You are a grain of sand on the surface of the Earth…..

“You are a wave in My waters that are breath of Power and Freedom.

“You are a spark of light in the Infinite Radiance of My Fire!

“May I immerse you into Myself completely, without a trace?

“A drop in the depths of the ocean is identical to the whole ocean because it has no boundaries.

“A drop of your love is also accepted by The Divine Ocean of Love. This drop dissolves into the Ocean of Creator Who creates the worlds and dissolves the worlds….

“Who are you now? Where are you now? …

“Don't answer! Just feel Oneness with Me!

“If there is still a bit of awareness of the separate “i” left, then reach out your hands of consciousness into My Depths. Feel Me by touching My Love just as you would touch the vastness of the ocean with the hands of your spiritual heart…


“Even deeper…

“Even further…

“Where the separate “i” loses its boundaries, you can whisper cherished words or express love without words, touching with your lips…, immersing your heart into Me!

“Be, be, be in Me! Totally dissolved in Myself…

“You live in Me!

“We are ONE!

“Know that you always live in this Ocean of Divine Love as its eternal part!

“Cognize the inseparability of this Love — remember this and keep it!

“I live in you! You live in Me!

“We are One!

“From now on you will always know this!”

