Divine Teachrs — about Themselves


Apostle Mark

“I, Mark, greet you! With all My heart — I am with you! And with My hands I help you to carry the load which you shouldered!”

“Mark, You told us that You, like Matthew, were embodied in England after living on the Earth at the time of Jesus. Tell us, please, who were You when You came to that incarnation? And how did You cognize the Creator?”

“I had no memory about the past incarnation in the mind. Yet, there is also the memory of the soul, consciousness. Born in England at the time of domination of Catholicism, I felt Myself as a caged bird. The soul, which has touched the Great One, cannot be accustomed to living in a cage, even in a very comfortable one!

“Imagine: the name of Jesus would cause rejoicing in My heart, while the Church — repulsion in the soul! I had no possibility even to read the Gospel which I wrote in My past incarnation…”

“Who did teach You when You were embodied in England?”


“All of Us, Who had come into contact with Jesus, next time were born with hearts in which Jesus lived. Wherever We were — Jesus was always with Us. He had ‘breathed’ into Us the True Life — and we ‘flew’ to other lands, to other lives* carrying the Light of Jesus in Ourselves. Like ringed birds, We all were betrothed to the Love of Jesus…

“Do you remember, I told you once that after resigning from the post of ambassador, I began receiving messages from God?… I began hearing and seeing Jesus then!”

“Tell about this in detail, please!”

“I was an ambassador. Once, before starting on a journey with a mission from the embassy, I came to a temple and prayed that God would give Me strength and the ability to speak the words which are pleasing to My Lord… I thought that I was asking for the affairs of My embassy…

“Suddenly, bright Light flooded around… — and I saw Jesus!…

“He said:

‘The work which you do is not the one you must do, My beloved Mark!… You should ask from Me words of another kind; you should concern yourself with other kind of affairs!…

‘I will fulfil your request, though in a way other than you expect: I will teach you — what to do and how to speak!

‘Resign from your post and hand over your affairs. I will entrust you with a different post — to be My Messenger! From now on, you will do what your Lord wants!’.

“… When I had resigned from My post, they counted Me insane… and allowed Me to leave to a family castle to live there in seclusion…

“Since then, only Jesus remained in My life! It was enough to utter His Name and He immediately manifested Himself, filling with Golden Shining everything around Me and inside Me. He became more real than everything material that surrounded Me… I talked to Him — Living! He showed Me My past life, the episodes of His life… He called Me gently by My former name — Mark…

“Then He began to show Himself differently — as Universal, One with the Creator! He taught Me meditations of Mergence with Him and submerged Me into Him.

“I asked Jesus:

‘How can I help people?’

“He answered:

‘Look: I have touched many souls, and everyone who aspires to Me receives My help — as you do.

‘There is a transforming touch of God on a soul; after it the former life in sins and vices becomes impossible, unthinkable for the soul. It is called the moment of truth.

‘Very few people are ready for such a touch. I will help you to find them. One has to learn to see them — and see the moment when one may touch the soul of man in this way…

‘You gave Me your heart forever — and I give you forever Mine, which is One with God-the-Father! I will be always with you, in you! I will give you the words to speak My Truths! I will give you the Strength of Spirit That cannot be shaken by trials! I will teach you to see the moment when with My Fire you may touch souls.

‘God-the-Father will live in you as He lives in Me!’.

“I fulfilled this commandment of Jesus.

“I found those few to whom I could give His Teachings in all their fullness.

“Jesus also dictated a book through Me, which became a textbook for Me and some of My disciples…

“Unfortunately, what I had done did not remain among people for long…”

* * *

“To pass from sattva to the Abode of the Creator, one needs to make only one step! It is necessary just to know how.

“Sattva is paradise, a paradisiacal state of the soul.

“In the present time, only a very few people cognize paradise! In total, approximately 400-450 people all over the Earth cognize true sattva.”

“And how many of them will achieve the Divinity?”

“None, on average! Such is the planet right now, the planet that doesn’t exist for God!

“The productivity of the planet for God is very small now!

“That is why there is a tendency towards a greater and greater number of destructions on the planet Earth. What for? To help people come to their senses and begin to look for God instead of just talking about Him!”

